19 thoughts on “Landscape photography

  1. elmediat

    Excellent. Love the Spanish Moss hanging in the trees, the bird on that branch,yellow flowers, green and golden brown. There is something about these images,………. the lack of snow, ice and any hint of extreme weather warnings. 😀 Many thanks. On a day like today, even your delightful post seems to radiate heat. Hopefully that has nothing to do with the computer or the screen. 🙂


    1. PC PHOTO Post author

      Hope it WASN’T the computer, lol! Glad you enjoyed the radiating warmth I felt on the day I made these images. There is something magical about seeing spanish moss swaying from the trees.


      1. elmediat

        OOooww, Spanish Moss swaying in the trees. Now you have reminded me of Marvel comics Man-Thing, he makes his home in Florida. All that know fear, burn at the touch of the Man-Thing. 😀


    1. PC PHOTO Post author

      I agree Janet, just about the time I “feel” I can choose which I like best I decide that I can’t choose a Favorite. We had beautiful weather and fantastic photo ops that day.


  2. Tammy

    Perfect illustration how slight moves make big differences…man, if I had to pick a favorite it would be probably the last image…but it is really close!!!


    1. PC PHOTO Post author

      Traveling out west gave me plenty of opportunities to practice landscape principles that I applied in this set of photo’s. Maybe someday I can squeeze some examples into these blog posts from that trip 🙂


    1. PC PHOTO Post author

      Ok so you and I agree about the top one as to the perspective. When first researching “proper” landscape techniques the use of diagonal lines were foremost in importance for composition. However, the other compositions do have their own merits. Thanks Bobbie!


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